"Investing in gold bars to watch the condition of the gold, lest only the iron content in it," said Leader of BI Kediri, Kediri Matsisno on Thursday.
Met in the Dissemination of Economic Development Region in the working area of ??Bank Indonesia Kediri, he acknowledged the public interest to invest some money in gold is quite high.
Not only in the Pawnshop are currently a lot of gold bullion held by residents as an investment, in some private banks also started offering gold investment.
To anticipate the fraudulent guise of gold investments, he asked the people to be selective also choose a bank. Hopefully, people choose an existing bank deposit guarantee agency (LPS) if you want to save the investment gold.
On Pawnshop, gold bullion investment has begun to show significant progress. Pawnshop Kediri Branch, Hadi Sucipto Prayitno, said in a month of pure gold demand is quite large.
He calls, the demand is greatest gold size 5 gram and 10 gram. While other sizes, 25 grams, 50 grams, 100 grams, 250 grams, up to 1 kilogram is still minimal. "Gold prices will likely continue to rise. Therefore, this investment is promising," he said.