German Granny Cool Experiment: Success 15 Years Live a Life Without a penny Money

BERLIN - Money is not everything, and money can not buy happiness. Not theory, because Heidemarie Schwermer successful practice in everyday life. Unmitigated, grandmother of 69 years has successfully lived without money for 15 years!

Eagerly, he tells how he's healthy, wealthy, and are happy to give all the cash 15 years ago.

Heidemarie out of his home in Dortmund since then. He wandered from town to town with just a suitcase, a cellphone, and laptops.

"I proved my belief that I can live without money. I can get everything I need to barter and get a gift," he said, which immediately poured his experiences in his book, The Star Money Experiment.

He even refused an advance from his publisher for his book. "I told them to give to charity, so can make many people happy, not just one person," he said.

Heidemarie, a widow, left a comfortable home in 1996 after his children began to leave home and live independently. He claimed irritated by the changes in society, which is mentioned more and more consumerist and greedy.

She feed herself with all the abilities they can. In fact, he was on holiday abroad, with a return trip ticket bartered his services as a teacher and psychotherapist.

"I have never lacked food, clothes or friends. I do not want my life to be governed by the stress created money or bills, and greed. I was running alone in life," he said.

What are the benefits of life without money? He claimed the more prosperous and happy. "For 15 years I almost never see a doctor. Now I'm as healthy as the violin," he joked.

Source : Republika
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Address List of Bank Syariah Mandiri

Jl. Sisingamaraja, Perdagangan
Kab. Simalungun
Telp.    : (0622) 697777
Fax.    : (0622) 697177

KCP Kisaran
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 195
Kisaran, Medan
Telp.    : (0623) 348500, 348501
Fax.    : (0623) 348502

UPS Tanjung Balai
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 35 DE
Tanjung Balai
Telp.    : (0623) 597373
Fax.    : (0623) 596933

PP. PT. Bridgestone
Komp. PT. Bridgestone Sumatera Rubber
Estate Dolok Merangir, Pos Serbalawan
Kabupaten Simalungun
Telp.    : (0622) 64118
Fax.    : (0622) 64227

KC Purwakarta
Jl. Ibrahim Singadilaga No. 88
Telp.    : (0264) 231760
Fax.    : (0264) 231761

KC Jember
Jl. Panglima Besar Sudirman No. 52
Telp.    : (0331) 411522
Fax.    : (0331) 411525

PP. UNMUH_Jember
Universitas Muhammadiyah
Jl. Karimata No. 49
Telp.    : (0331) 335806
Fax.    : (0331) 335806

PP. STAIN_Jember
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri
Jl. Jum'at No. 94, Mangil Jember
Telp.    : (0331) 411500
Fax.    : (0331) 411500

KC Manado
Kawasan Mega Mas Jl. Piere Tendean
Boulevard Blok I D-1 No. 28 Manado
Telp.    : (0431) 879444
Fax.    : (0431) 879492

KC Denpasar  Teuku Umar Square
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 177
Telp.    : (0361) 231999
Fax.    : (0361) 237100

KC Jayapura
Jl. Raya Kelapa Dua No. 1-2
Entrop, Jayapura
Telp.    : (0967) 550965, 550966
Fax.    : (0967) 550968

KC Bengkulu
Jl. Semangka No. 49 Lingkar Timur,
Telp.    : (0736) 342007, 346498
Fax.    : (0736) 346707

KLS Bengkyulu S. Parman
Jl. Letjen. S. Parman No. 183
Telp.    : (0736) 24313
Fax.    : (0736) 24313

KC Langsa
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 28 - 29
Kota Langsa, NAD
Telp.    : (0641) 426135, 21357, 426251
Fax.    : (0641) 426051

KK Pasar Lang sa
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 61
Kota Langsa
Telp.    : (0641) 22035, 23913
Fax.    : (0641) 23804

PP. Madrasa Ulumul Qur'an
Jl. Banda Aceh - Medan Km. 447
Kota Langsa
Telp.    : (0641) 7014766
Fax.    : (0641) 7014766

KC Purwokerto
Ruko Kranji Megah Blok C
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 393
Telp.     : (0281) 641108, 641685
Fax.     : (0281) 642890

KLS Cilacap
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 100
Telp.     : (0282) 534826
Fax.     : (0282) 534826

KC Jakarta Kelapa Gading
Jl. Kelapa Gading Boulevard
Blok I - I J
Jakarta Utara
Telp.     : (021) 45854513, 45854262
Fax.     : (021) 45874652

KAS KELILING Jabodetakcil

KK Semarang Ngaliyan
Ruko Siliwangi Plaza Blok A - 5
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 187 - 189
Karangayu - Semarang
Telp.     : (024) 70773184
Fax.     : (024) 7603139

PP Semarang RS. Roemani
Kompleks RS. Roemani
Jl. Wonodri No. 22
Telp.     : (024) 8444623
Fax.     : (024) 8444623

KLS Semarang Pandanaran
Jl. Pandanaran No. 104
Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Telp.     : (024) 8455043
Fax.     : (024) 8455043


KLS Bengkulu S. Parman
Jl. Letjen. S.Parman No. 183
Telp.     : (0736) 24313
fax.     : (0736) 24313

KC langsa
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 28 - 29
Kota Langsa, NAD
Telp.     : (0641) 426135, 21357
Fax.     : (0641) 426051

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HSBC Amanah Asset Increase Focus

HSBC Amanah Asset Increase Focus
JAKARTA - Sharia The Hongkong Shanghai Bank Corp (HSBC) Indonesia, HSBC Amanah, focus its activities in 2011 to improve the asset. Head of HSBC Amanah, Herwin Bustaman, said that since the double tax on the commodity murabaha 2010 and then abolished, HSBC Amanah find the confidence to release new products to spur growth.

"Now, we've only dared to remove the product," he said when met Republika. In addition to leasing, HSBC Amanah began issuing new financing products such as warehouse financing, mortgages (mortgage), as well as a number of contract-based products murabaha and mudaraba.

For now, Herwin mentions warehouse leasing and financing will be a flagship HSBC Amanah. Financing scheme that is used is the result of the development of products that already exist in other branches of HSBC Amanah abroad.

Especially for leasing, HSBC Amanah using ijara contract. As for the warehouse financing, the bank uses murabaha contract.

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