HSBC Amanah Asset Increase Focus

HSBC Amanah Asset Increase Focus
JAKARTA - Sharia The Hongkong Shanghai Bank Corp (HSBC) Indonesia, HSBC Amanah, focus its activities in 2011 to improve the asset. Head of HSBC Amanah, Herwin Bustaman, said that since the double tax on the commodity murabaha 2010 and then abolished, HSBC Amanah find the confidence to release new products to spur growth.

"Now, we've only dared to remove the product," he said when met Republika. In addition to leasing, HSBC Amanah began issuing new financing products such as warehouse financing, mortgages (mortgage), as well as a number of contract-based products murabaha and mudaraba.

For now, Herwin mentions warehouse leasing and financing will be a flagship HSBC Amanah. Financing scheme that is used is the result of the development of products that already exist in other branches of HSBC Amanah abroad.

Especially for leasing, HSBC Amanah using ijara contract. As for the warehouse financing, the bank uses murabaha contract.

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