Petra, Mystery Stone Walled City


Located about 3-5 hours drive from the city of Amman, Jordan, there is a historical site. In fact, in 2007 the site became one of the seven wonders of the world. Historic heritage that is so beautiful and amazing it is called the City of Petra.

Petra in Greek means rock. Meanwhile, the Arabs called it alBitra. The archaeological site was located in a lowland flanked by mountains that form the wings. History of City of Petra was stated in the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari.

The Hadith does not directly explain the City of Petra. However, it is called is the ancient Arabs called Anbath Ash-Sham. According to the book Al-Qamus al-Islami, the City of Petra is beautiful and amazing is Anbath AsySyam heritage - the ancient Arabs who lived in the Sinai Peninsula and Aaron.

The town became a center of caravan trade that traveled between Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, and Syria. At the beginning of the emergence of Islam, according to Dr. Khalil Abu Syauqi in Athlas al-Hadith al-Nabawi, there are few relics Anbath nation that has been mixed with other nations.

"That said, civilization Anbath nation have this kind of writing (calligraphy) called Khath Nabthi," said Dr. Syauqi. City of Petra was lost from the human civilization for 500 years, precisely since it ended the Crusades in the 12th century AD

Lost city civilization was only known to the West in 1812. Swiss nationals are the adventurer named Johann Ludwig Burckhardt who re-introduce the city. Who knew of the existence of it is the Bedouins who live around the area.

The beauty and grandeur of the City of Petra is described by the BBC in a string of sentences, "This is one of 40 places to see before you die." Imagine, Petra is a unique city. The city was built in a way dindingdinding carve stone.

City of Petra is the symbol and protection techniques. The city was founded by digging and carving the rocks as high as 40 meters. No wonder, if the city was difficult to penetrate the enemy. Petra was known as the city is safe from natural disasters such as sandstorms.

The city was surrounded by mountains. One of them is having an altitude of about 1350 meters above sea level.
The highest mountain is called Mount Aaron (Jabal Harun) or Mount Hor or El-Barra.

Many believe that's on top of Jabal Harun Aaron died and was buried by the Prophet Moses. Prophet Muhammad was believed to have visited the mountain with his uncle Abu Talib during trading to Sham (Syria).

Arab tradition believes Petra is where the Prophet Musa (Moses) struck a rock with his stick until the water out of stones. In that city there is also the name of a place called Wadi Musa for a narrow valley in the region.

In the 14th century AD, a mosque built in its place with a white dome visible from many areas around Petra. That said, the Prophet Aaron arrived in the area when accompanied Moses brought his people out of Egypt from the pursuit of King Pharaoh.

Petra was founded six years before Christ. It is the capital of the Nabatean kingdom. Aretas IV was the King who built a unique and magical city. Spare Nabatean city of Petra to build irrigation systems extremely complex.
Civilizations that have hydraulic technology to lift water.

To feed its population, the city's tunnels and chambers have water to deliver clean water to the city. In addition, they are also very adept at making underground water tank to collect clean water that can be used when they travel far. Thus, wherever they are, they can make excavation for water lines to meet their needs for clean water.

At the end of the 4th century BC, the development of world trade helped create Nabatean tribes involved in world trade. World trade routes began to flourish in the southern part of Jordan and south of the Dead Sea. They then use their position of strategic housing as one of the world trade routes.

Nabatean tribe could eventually become a successful merchant with trade incense, spices, and ivory, among others, came from Arab parts of southern and eastern India. The strategic location to develop business and life, and secure to protect themselves from strangers, make Nabatean tribes decided to settle in the city of stone.

To maintain the prosperity that has been achieved, they collect customs duties and taxes to local traders or from outside the entrance to it. Nabatean tribes finally managed to create an international city a unique and unusual.

Over time, the City of Petra was inhabited by tens of thousands of residents and eventually developed into a city located in the path of trade because the distribution of goods between Europe and the Middle East. In 106 AD, the Romans annexed Petra thus weakening the role of trade channels.

Around 700 AD, hydraulic systems and several major buildings that support community life in the city was destroyed into rubble. Petra disappeared from the map of the earth at that time and just live the legend.
Until finally found again in the 19th century AD

Source : Republika OnLine friday, 24th December 2010
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